Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru

The EUROFRONT project will improve security, protect human rights and promote social and economic development at both the national and regional level in Latin America through increased efficiency in the management of four border crossings and by supporting the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

EUROFRONT has two components. Component I strengthens comprehensive border management capabilities and Component II is focused on combating human trafficking and smuggling.

Project objectives

Contribución del proyecto a los ODS

Project data


Migraciones y movilidad humana


Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru


Start - 01/01/2020
End - 30/04/2024

Total budget

Componente I: 10.000.000€ Componente II: 5.000.000€


Comisión Europea

We work with

Policía Nacional

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Project news

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EUROFRONT is an European cooperation programme that is being implemented in Latin America with the aim of contributing to security, the protection of human rights and social and economic development at the national and regional level at four border crossings.