
28/06/2024 Gender mainstreaming in border management

Nine Latin American countries work together to strengthen gender mainstreaming in border...

01/03/2024 Ecuador fights against counterfeit documents through Punto Atenas

Border personnel in Quito launch the Atenas National Point for the fight against false documents and related...

22/02/2024 Bolivia joins the Athens Network, a cooperation agreement to detect illicit travel documents in the region

Bolivia joins the initiative already signed by Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru and supported by the Spanish National...

18/12/2023 The Spanish National Police shares its knowledge on border management with Paraguay

Specialists of the Spanish National Police exchange experiences with the National Directorate of Migration of Paraguay on first and second line...

17/11/2023 Dialogue between Latin American countries on human mobility and migrants’ rights

Spanish cooperation promotes dialogue on human mobility based on human rights between Latin American...

29/09/2023 Experts from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay learn about police cooperation practices on the border between Spain and Portugal

The visit is part of the European EUROFRONT programme, through which the FIIAPP offers Latin American countries the knowledge and experience of the...

17/04/2023 EUROFRONT presents the Diploma in Integrated Border Management with the University of São Paulo and the University of Salamanca

The diploma course is an example of the exchanges of knowledge and cooperation that take place within the framework of the programme...

09/09/2022 Border management specialists from Colombia and Ecuador visit Spain to exchange knowledge against organised crime

The visit was part of the EUROFRONT border management project, and the use of new technologies to increase security was one of the key points on the...

08/06/2022 Europe and Latin America launch justice and security initiative to address common challenges

FIIAPP deepens international cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean with the launch of the Team Europe Justice and Security initiative...

08/04/2022 Border cooperation boosts security and development in Latin America

Colombia and Ecuador meet at the first Binational Meeting of the EUROFRONT Programme to address regional cooperation needs at the Rumichaca...

14/03/2022 EUROFRONT: European cooperation in the tri-border area between Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina

The head of the Directorate General for International Partnerships, Jorge de la Caballería, visited the tri-border area in the framework of the...

Fiiapp Desaguadero, a key border in the fight against organised crime

EUROFRONT specialists have visited Desaguadero, the border between Peru and Bolivia to cooperate with the authorities and combat trafficking and...

06/08/2021 Security and the fight against transnational crime on the Triple Frontier

EUROFRONT border management specialists have visited Paraguay and Brazil to promote cooperation across their shared border...

25/03/2021 Police cooperation to fight cross-border crime

Latin America and the European Union exchange experiences to improve border management and combat international crime...

14/09/2020 Coordinated solutions for border management

EUROFRONT has organised a webinar for Latin America and Europe to share their experiences in border management during...

21/08/2020 The European Union and Latin America strengthen the safety of cross-border health

The EUROFRONT project donates medical supplies to improve the management of four Latin American borders and prevent the spread of COVID...

03/03/2020 International cooperation supports border management

A new European-funded project, EUROFRONT in Latin America, is launched in...


Cooperation stories: EUROFRONT

Cooperation stories: EUROFRONT

Especialistas del proyecto de cooperación EUROFRONT en la FIIAPP, la OIM y el IILA nos hablan de...

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What is border management?

What is border management?

The EUROFRONT project will improve security, protect human rights and promote social and economic...

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18/10/2023 Cross-regional dialogue against border crime

We present a series of talks between the European Union and Latin America on cooperation on cross-border crime, in the framework of the European EUROFRONT...

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