FIIAPP y CEDDETT apoyaron a la Secretaría de Transparencia colombiana en la organización de un encuentro para la promoción y elaboración de políticas de transparencia y acceso a la información pública
With the imminent Law of Transparency and the Right to Access Public Information in Colombia, a forum was held with key actors in Bogotá to discuss the socialisation of these new regulations. A workshop was held to establish the basis of institutional coordination for promoting policies of transparency and access to public information.
This activity is promoted by EUROsociAL, through the FIIAPP and CEDDETT, and the Colombian Secretariat of Transparency, in an effort to achieve good governance, accountability and social control.
Civil servants, civil society, the private sector and the Colombian media attended this event. To contribute to the debate and reflections, important Latin American institutions also participated, including: the Council for Transparency (CPLT) and the Citizens’ Defence and Administrative Transparency Commission of Chile, the Federal Institute of Information Access and Data Protection (IFAI) of Mexico, the Provincial Department Against Corruption and for Transparency of the Public Sector of Santa Fe Province in Argentina, as well as the Foundation for Economic and Social Development of El Salvador (FUSADES), representing the Regional Alliance of Free Expression and Information.
The event’s inauguration was attended by Rafael Merchán, Secretary of Transparency of the Republic of Colombia; María Elena Pérez-Jaén, Commissioner of the IFAI of Mexico; Carlos Augusto Mesa Díaz, Attorney General of Decentralisation and Local Authorities of the Attorney General of the State; William Zambrano Cetina, Minister of the State of the Republic of Colombia; Raúl Ferrada, Director of the CPLT of Chile; and Borja Díaz Rivillas, Senior Technician of the FIIAPP/EUROsociAL II Technical Unit of Democratic Governance and Public Finances.
Promoting access to transparency and public information is essential for good governance, accountability, capacity building for state institutions, and social control. This is one of the priority lines of EUROsociAL II, carried out through the project “Strengthening social and institutional collaboration in the fight against corruption.”