Stories of Cooperation: Security in Guinea
Fernando Santos has been working on a project in Guinea to strengthen the structure of the National Police Force and to enable the population to regain its confidence…
Stories Cooperation: Hospital Management in Tunisia
This “Story of Cooperation” takes place in Tunisia, where Javier Estebaranz has been working on a pilot project for better hospital management at seven hospitals.
Cooperation Stories: Miguel Lorente, EUROsociAL expert
The former Spanish Government Delegate for gender-based violence explains the key aspects of the work carried out by EUROsociAL to eradicate this type of violence in Brazil, Costa…
One of the most beautiful bays in Senegal has become a health risk for local citizens. A water purification plant is needed to return clean water to the…
The FIIAPP is a Spanish public foundation with over 15 years of experience in the field of cooperation. Its objective is to improve the lives of citizens by…
FIIAPP Interview: Cristobal González-Aller
The former Spanish Ambassador to Turkey talks about Turkey’s Pre-Accession to the European Union and the collaboration of FIIAPP in this process.