Transparency and Access to Information Network
El programa EUROsociAL, financiado por la Comisión Europea y gestionado por la FIIAPP, ha apoyado la consolidación de proyectos estratégicos de la Red de Transparencia y Acceso a…
FIIAPP Testimonials: How a donation can change your life
Mariana, una de las beneficiarias del proyecto en Moldavia, nos cuenta su experiencia.
FIIAPP is managing projects in Macedonia financed by the European Commission in areas such as taxes and the environment.
A EUROsociAL video is presented with an award by the…
The video: "Democratic Governance for Social Cohesion” , by the EUROsociAL programme managed by FIIAPP, wins the seventh edition of the European Commission’s Communication Awards.
The “Making-of” of the report for Informe Semanal, a weekly…
A team from the EU's EUROsociAL programme travels to Brazil with Informe Semanal to talk about access to justice, citizenship, racism and gender violence.
Cooperation Stories: Cooperation Stories in Macedonia
César Seoanez works for the Ministry of the Environment of the Xunta de Galicia and FIIAPP, coordinating a project financed by the European Union in Macedonia, with the…