EUROCLIMA+: horizontal component
Valentina Martínez, coordinator of EUROCLIMA+, and other protagonists highlight the importance of the cross-sectoral nature of the programme
FIIAPP Interviews: José Miguel García
José Miguel García, Head of International Relations for the CGPJ, talks about the work being carried out in international cooperation.
Cooperation stories: Hospital management in Tunisia
The closure of the second phase of the EU twinning project to set up a medical/financialhospital information system in Tunisia
FIIAPP Interviews: Victoria Palau
Victoria Palau, coordinator of the EUROMED Justice IV project, talks about the objectives and benefits of the project for regional cooperation. (p.3)
FIIAPP testimonials: Regional Cooperation
The key figures in EUROMED Justice tell us about this regional cooperation project to improve the judicial system in the southern Mediterranean
FIIAPP Interviews: Jorge Fernández
Jorge Fernández, Chief Inspector and Head of International Cooperation with the Spanish National Police Force, tells us about his work in international cooperation.