#TheFIIAPPway: International Sign Language Day
Since 2018, on September 23, the International Day of Sign Language is commemorated.
FIIAPP videos: #BetterTogether
We value the collaborative work carried out by Bridging the Gap, EUROsociAL+ and EVALUA: combined effort as a successful formula for FIIAPP projects
#TheFIIAPPway: Better Together
The collaboration contributes to better address challenges such as the protection of persons with disabilities in migration conditions.
#TheFIIAPPway: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
September 16 marks the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.
This FIIAPP project to support the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes in Bolivia, which is funded by the EU, addresses crimes committed by organised crime organisations
Cooperation stories: The fight against drug trafficking in Bolivia
FIIAPP manages a project to improve the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes in Bolivia.