Maritime safety and environmental protection in Azerbaijan


The European Commission has once again entrusted FIIAPP with the management of this project, which will be carried out as a continuation of one managed between 2012 and 2014 on the same subject. With the help of experts from the Directorate General of the Merchant Navy and for two years, we will work on this project with the aim of helping Azerbaijan achieve European standards in relation to maritime safety and protection of the marine environment.

The aim of the project is to improve responsibility in maritime safety and environmental protection issues, ensuring appropriate implementation and application in international procedures on maritime safety and prevention of marine pollution related to European standards.

Project data


Promotion and Communications Policies




Start - 15/11/2015
End - 14/12/2017

Total budget



European Commission

We work with

Directorate General of the Merchant Navy

Related projects

Project news

Imagen de la noticia
02/10/2014 Azerbaijan closes a successful maritime safety project El país euroasiático ha puesto hoy el broche final a un proyecto de seguridad marítima y protección del medio marino gestionado por la FIIAPP que le ha ayudado a establecer una Ley de... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha
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