EU4SUN: EU-Latin America and the Caribbean cooperation programme on hunger and malnutrition

Hunger and malnutrition are on the rise: from 630 million undernourished people in 2014 to almost 690 million in 2019. The prevalence of hunger and malnutrition is generally higher in areas affected by conflict, extreme weather and economic crises. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed 32% more people into hunger and further highlighted the connection between poverty, inequality and malnutrition, especially in women, adolescents and children.

The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, launched by the UN Secretary-General in 2012, aims to put nutrition at the top of global and national policy agendas. In this third phase (2021-2025), a more holistic vision has been adopted in terms of themes and actors, focusing on the importance of reducing malnutrition rates in a comprehensive manner, in sectors such as education, water, sanitation and climate change.

FIIAPP, as lead agency, is responsible for the cohesive and effective operationalisation of the SUN 3.0 Strategy, as well as the monitoring of its results. To this end, FIIAPP ensures the implementation of actions in Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as coordination and dialogue between all partners, the EU Delegation and national focal points.

The SUN 3.0 Strategy prioritises national leadership and focuses on supporting systemic change at the state level. To achieve this, this project offers an on-demand service that provides contextualised, short-term, peer-to-peer cooperation, supporting each partner's efforts to eradicate hunger and malnutrition.

Project data


Políticas sociales, libertades y derechos



Start - 01/01/2023
End - 01/07/2026

Total budget

4.000.000 €


Comisión Europea

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Project news

Imagen de la noticia
19/09/2024 Haitian ministries train to improve investments in nutrition Faced with the serious malnutrition problem facing the country, ministries have received training in nutrition budget analysis to ensure more efficient investments... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha
Imagen de la noticia
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