The DIGITAL CALESA project aims to strengthen legal cooperation between Spain and the Philippines as a tool to meet the challenges posed by technological development, while continuing to strengthen judicial institutions and support the rule of law. This action, which gives continuity to a previous European initiative(CALESA Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2020-2024), will, with the strong support of AECID as Funder, build on the established ties between Spanish and Philippine academic law institutions, and expand collaboration between justice sector experts from both countries to work on improving the functioning of the judiciary and citizens' access to justice through the formulation of legislative reform proposals around three main thematic areas:

I- The digitalization of the administration of Justice.

II- The use of Artificial Intelligence in the administration of Justice.

III- Private Law: digital content and digital data

Project objectives

Project data


Justice and the Rule of Law


Total budget


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