Costa Rica, El Salvador

FIIAPP is collaborating in this Spanish Cooperation programme for promoting sustainable development and addressing the challenges of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean. This project represents the continuation of other programmes like ARAUCARIA which, over the past 10 years, have sought to promote conservation of biodiversity.

The objective of the project is to support climate change mitigation and adaptation actions that preserve the environment by creating synergies and raising the visibility of the work being done with multiple national and international institutions, fostering the construction of a regional vision, and promoting the organisation of public and private stakeholders.

Project data


Green Economy: climate change, energy, agriculture and fisheries


Costa Rica, El Salvador


Start - 16/03/2015
End - 15/12/2017

Total budget



Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)

We work with

Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)

Related projects

Project news

Imagen de la noticia
31/03/2015 Adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in Latin America: ARAUCLIMA The AECID, with the collaboration of the FIIAPP, proposes renewing and strengthening the numerous actions the EC is developing in the area of environment and climate... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha