Application of the Rule of Law in the Horn of Africa and Yemen

Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Yemen, Djibouti

This regional project aims to improve the capacities of the intelligence services and security forces and corps, as well as the prosecutors and courts of the countries in the region to fight against complex security threats. 

Technical assistance will be provided at the regional and bilateral levels as part of the project, to strengthen the capacities for the application of the law with respect to human rights. Prosecutors and members of the State Security Forces and Corps will participate to this end. 

It is a delegated cooperation project funded by the European Commission through the Instrument for Stability and Peace (IcSP). With a duration of four years, this project implies a high level of specialisation in a priority area for FIIAPP and for the Spanish public institutions that collaborate with it, including the Ministries of Justice, Interior and Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. 

The project, which is being led by FIIAPP, has three specialised European institutions as its main partners: Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions (SCJS) from the United Kingdom, Civipol in France and the Italian Carabinieri.

Project data


Security and fight against organized crime


Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Yemen, Djibouti


Start -
End -

Total budget



Security and fight against organized crime

We work with

Ministerio del Interior, Ministerio de Justicia y Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación

Project news

Imagen de la noticia
03/11/2016 Application of the Rule of Law in the Horn of Africa and Yemen This regional project aims to improve the capacities of the intelligence services and security forces and corps, as well as the prosecutors and courts of the countries in the region to fight against complex security threats  Technical assistance... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha
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