Promoting Community Policing in Lebanon


31/05/2024 Lebanese security forces work to improve communication and visibility

Lebanese security forces improve their communication content creation skills through knowledge and...

08/03/2024 Lebanon is interested in Spain’s experience in environmental crime prevention

The Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera Rodríguez, receives the Lebanese...

22/12/2023 Lebanon strengthens ties between the local community and the police

In the framework of the European project to support Lebanese community policing, cultural and awareness-raising activities have been carried out to...

24/08/2023 Raising awareness among Lebanese youth to promote safety

The Lebanese National Police and the Ministry of Education reach a collaboration agreement to raise awareness among the younger population about...

16/08/2023 Lebanon reaches first cooperation agreement between its security forces

Thanks to the impulse of the European project to support community policing in Lebanon, the first cooperation agreement has been reached between the...

14/06/2023 Lebanon’s community policing support project takes stock of achievements

The creation of a regulatory framework for municipal police, among others, is one of the achievements so...

23/05/2023 A delegation of senior Lebanese officers learns about the Spanish police’s experience

Representatives of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces visit Spanish National Police units and exchange knowledge on training and quality...

21/07/2022 A delegation of 8 Egyptian officials visits Madrid to enhance the capabilities of its Patent and Trademark Office

The visit took place within the framework of the twinning project "Strengthening the Egyptian Patent Office", promoted and financed by the European...


17/01/2023 Cooperation to strengthen community policing in Lebanon

The Promoting Community Policing in Lebanon project, financed by the European Union and jointly...

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12/01/2015 ”The FIIAPP creates opportunities for foreign outreach by public administrations”

El director de la FIIAPP, Pedro Flores, hace balance del 2014 y desvela los objetivos y retos de...

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