ACT – Advance Counter Terrorism for Lebanon Security


14/06/2024 FIIAPP supports the National Human Rights Commission in Lebanon

The National Human Rights Commission has published its second annual report on the state of human rights in...

06/06/2024 Drug awareness and prevention of violence and exploitation in Lebanon

More than 500 Lebanese young people attended a meeting to learn about the problem of drugs and exploitation in the...

27/03/2024 Lebanon’s Counter-Terrorism Project Takes Stock

Representatives of the FIIAPP, the Lebanese Security Forces and the European Union take stock of what has been achieved over the past...

22/03/2024 Lebanese youths participate in a workshop to promote pluralism and belonging to the local community

The workshop, held in Tripoli in the framework of the European ACT project, aimed to prevent radicalisation and violent extremism among young people...

21/07/2023 FIIAPP and CIVIPOL reinforce cooperation between Lebanese judges and law enforcement agencies

In the framework of the European project ACT, to counter terrorism in Lebanon, a workshop was held to strengthen cooperation between the justice and...

12/06/2023 Lebanon works to enhance its cryptocurrency investigations

Lebanese law enforcement and judges work to improve their capabilities in cryptocurrency...

06/10/2022 Spanish institutions share their experience and know-how in counter-terrorism with Lebanon

A Lebanese political delegation, headed by the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, Mahmoud Makié, has visited various Spanish...

26/05/2022 Lebanon holds a National Conference to protect its critical infrastructures from terrorist attacks

With the support of the European Union, the country is putting the security of its critical infrastructure and the need to create a national security...

16/03/2022 Technical training against cyber-attack in Lebanon

The National Security Committee and the Prime Minister of Lebanon have held an activity to strengthen cyber-attack response...

15/09/2021 The EU helps Lebanon to draft its anti-terrorism strategy

The ACT project for Lebanon Security cooperation organises a kick-off workshop for drafting the Lebanese counter-terrorism...

08/06/2021 Cybersecurity risk assessment in Lebanon

The programme to support the fight against terrorism in Lebanon has organised training in risk assessment relating to...

05/07/2021 The EU supports the Lebanese National Cybersecurity Strategy

The Advanced Counter-terrorism Project for the security of Lebanon trains Lebanese specialists in cybersecurity monitoring and evaluation...



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