Support from the forces of law of the European Union in the fight against drugs and organised crime in Peru


14/12/2020 The Peruvian police and the EU join forces to combat cybercrime

Training has been provided in computer forensics and financial analysis as a step toward fighting organised crime and strengthening the Peruvian...

26/06/2024 Peru strengthens the fight against drug trafficking in its ports

Peruvian Interior Ministry and EU complete technical assistance to prevent the flow of cocaine drugs to the United States, Europe and...

24/05/2024 International seminar on maritime drug trafficking

The European Union and the United States exchange ideas and identify strategies to prevent and combat the phenomenon of maritime drug trafficking and...

16/06/2024 Cryptocurrency and money laundering workshop in Arequipa, Trujillo and Lima

Specialists from the justice and security forces have attended this workshop on cryptocurrencies, learning about their potential risks and how they...

27/02/2024 Peru strengthens fight against kidnapping and extortion

The Peruvian National Police and the Public Prosecutor's Office have received training on techniques for investigating these crimes in order to stop...

30/01/2023 Trainings to protect indigenous communities in Peru

The European project against organised crime in Peru has organised training for Peruvian institutions on the investigation of murders of indigenous...

05/12/2023 Capturing information from human sources

People are a very valuable source of information in the fight against crime, so it is important that law enforcement agencies update and strengthen...

14/11/2023 Peru fights human trafficking, environmental crimes and murders of indigenous leaders with European support

Specialists from Spain's Ministry of Justice, the Guardia Civil and the National Police share their experience with Peru in the fight against human...

20/09/2023 Peru tackles money laundering with European support

The Peruvian Ministry of the Interior has published a manual on the crime of money laundering, with technical assistance from the European project to...

17/07/2023 Peru reinforces control at airports to combat drug trafficking

Experts from the National Police have held a theoretical and practical workshop to provide Peruvian institutions with tools for airport control, such...

19/06/2023 Peru gears up to fight maritime drug trafficking

Peruvian judges, prosecutors, police and customs personnel strengthen their capaci-ties in the fight against maritime drug...

20/05/2022 Peruvian judges and prosecutors visit Spain to learn about tools in the fight against drugs

Peruvian law enforcement support project organises study visit to Madrid and Barcelona to train Peruvian judges and prosecutors in the fight against...

05/06/2023 European Union, United States and Peru share visions on the fight against money laundering

The second edition of the EU-US-Peru Shared Vision Seminar was held, showing the commitment of both regions to support Peruvian institutions in the...

03/05/2023 Peru fights environmental crime

Police and judicial personnel specialised in environmental crime have exchanged experiences with their European counterparts in the fight against...

05/04/2023 Educational innovation through a new virtual library for the Peruvian police force

Spanish police support the Peruvian police through a cooperation project that has facilitated the creation of this...

02/11/2021 Training in surveillance and cyber patrolling in Peru

Peru's law enforcement support project continues to train police and prosecutors in surveillance to combat organised crime...

19/08/2021 Container control training in Peruvian ports

European experts have provided virtual training to improve the quality and effectiveness of criminal investigations in Peruvian...

30/07/2021 Training in international judicial and police cooperation in Peru

The project to support the fight against drugs in Peru promotes coordination in combating drugs and organised...

10/06/2021 Improving Police Intelligence Systems in Peru

Peru’s anti-drug project is supporting the implementation of a software programme to coordinate National Police...

06/05/2021 Training in financial analysis and money laundering in Peru

The project to fight drugs and organised crime in Peru works to train specialised agents in financial intelligence...

9/04/2021 Cybercrime and Computer Forensics in Peru

European experts give a technical training workshop on cybersecurity and digital evidence analysis...

16/10/2020 Cooperation supports the strengthening of the Peruvian Judiciary

The project against drug trafficking and organised crime in Peru has held several training workshops with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the...

28/09/2020 The Peruvian judiciary undergoes training to combat drug trafficking and organised crime

The European project against organised crime and drug trafficking in Peru carries out training for Peruvian judicial personnel together with other...

30/10/2019 Peru and Spain exchange expertise in police training

A Peruvian delegation visited Spain to find out about the training systems implemented by the National Police and Civil...

10/10/2019 FIIAPP projects work together against cross-border crime

Two projects managed by the Foundation that address the fight against drug trafficking in Peru and Bolivia, respectively, have joined forces around...

18/09/2019 Peru aims to improve coordination among institutions

For this purpose, the project to support the fight against organized crime in the country has opened an inter-institutional coordination office...

09/06/2023 Peruvian public institutions unite in the fight against various crimes

Peru's interior and public ministries sign an agreement to create specialised teams to fight against various...

29/08/2024 Peru and the European Union join forces to combat cybercrime

The Multisectoral Working Group that will develop the national strategy to tackle cybercrime in Peru has been...


What Is… Financial Intelligence?

What Is… Financial Intelligence?

What does Financial Intelligence mean How does financial intelligence work...

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10/10/2019 FIIAPP Expatriates: Ernesto Prieto

"FIIAPP is a well-recognised Foundation and that gives one a very easily attained feeling of...

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