Cuba-Renewables Project


30/04/3024 Cuban teachers study Spanish DUAL Vocational Training model

The objective of learning about the Dual Vocational Training Model is to contribute to the development of a new university program to be implemented in three Cuban universities...

12/03/2024 Cuba and Spain exchange experiences on energy planning with renewable energy sources

Three Cuban universities and five rural municipalities have participated in a training course on small-scale Energy Planning, given by the Ministry...

06/03/2024 Cuba strengthens its capacities in air-conditioning and refrigeration with renewable energy sources

Cuban students and COPEXTEL participate in the course on air-conditioning and refrigeration systems with renewable energy...

28/09/2023 Exchange of experiences with Cuban experts on innovation laboratories

Cuban experts visit research and innovation laboratories in Spain and Germany to transfer the model to the Central University of Las Villas in...

12/08/2022 Cuban experts attend training in Bilbao for the promotion of renewable energies

The EU-Cuba expert-exchange project has organised a course for key Cuban actors to strengthen management and innovation capacities in the use of...

06/07/2022 FIAPP supports Cuba’s energy transformation

The EU-Cuba Experience Exchange Project has participated in the organisation of the II International Renewable Energy Fair in...

04/05/2022 Cuban professors visit European renewable energy centres

The European Experience Exchange project, led by the FIIAPP, resumes study visits with the mobilisation of Cuban university professors to...

11/10/2021 Climate financing and cooperation mechanisms with Cuba

The European project for the promotion of renewable energy in Cuba has drawn up a mapping of the cooperation mechanisms for the energy sector in Cuba...

17/09/2021 Training to encourage investment in renewable energy sources in Cuba

The programme to support renewable energies in Cuba organised a seminar for Cuban specialists together with the University of...

20/08/2021 Cuba prepares for climate change

The European project to promote renewable energies supports the implementation of climate change preventive and mitigation measures in...

02/06/2021 Support for the production of clean energy in Cuba

The Cuba Renovables project supports the CubaRon industry in the treatment of wastewater with biogas production...

30/03/2021 Incentives for the use of renewable energies in the residential sector

Cuba promotes the use of renewable energies in the residential sector and for small entrepreneurs...

21/10/2020 Healthcare material so that international cooperation moves forward unhindered

The EU-Cuba Exchange of Experiences project provides health protection material to face...

10/06/2019 Cuba advances on its path towards environmental sustainability

More than 60 specialists from Cuban Ministries have received renewable energy training at the "2nd International Wind Farm Logistics and Construction...

15/01/2019 Cuba hosts a project focused on renewable energy

This project to promote renewable energy sources and energy efficiency is part of the second EU-Cuba expertise exchange...


Cooperation stories: Energy transition in Cuba

Cooperation stories: Energy transition in Cuba

We make the most of the European project, managed by the FIIAPP, promoting renewable energy in Cuba, being at the COP25 to learn about its objectives and...

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FIIAPP videos: Climate crisis and cooperation

FIIAPP videos: Climate crisis and cooperation

European and Spanish cooperation and FIIAPP are united against the climate crisis with projects...

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What is… Energy efficiency?

What is… Energy efficiency?

How can we use energy efficiently Why is it important to do so to mitigate climate...

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25/06/2020 “The global challenge is clear: the widening in the gender gap is a reality”

Icíar Bosch, Jimena Cazzaniga and Ana Cirujano, FIIAPP colleagues who are also part of the...

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21/05/2020 “Sometimes taking a step back allows you to take a firmer step forward later”

Alma Martín, support technician for the EU-Cuba Experience Exchange project, updates us on how the...

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