The joint operational project provides support in the fight against criminal networks of migrant smugglers by associating the security and defence forces
The meeting of the Joint Operational Project (POC Senegal) steering committee has been organised, where the work done so far and the programme’s perspectives until the end of the year will be presented.
Since October 2020, 47 training actions, 14 tutoring actions with the National Division for the Fight against Trafficking in Migrants (DNLT) and at Dakar airport, 5 trips to Spain and France to see the work carried out by both countries first-hand, and 6 workshops, have all been carried out. All this has been done by 87 international and Senegalese experts.
To date, 1,227 police officers, gendarmes, customs officials and judicial officials have been trained or made aware of the problems of human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
The event was opened by the European Union Delegation Ambassador in Senegal, Irène MINGASSON and the Senegalese Minister of the Interior, Félix Antoine DIOME.
Senegal requested France and Spain’s support in combating illegal immigration, migrant smuggling and human trafficking. And for this purpose, the European Union funds this project through the Emergency Trust Fund to support the Senegalese State’s efforts in combating this crime.
The project is being undertaken by CIVIPOL with the FIIAPP’s collaboration. Both institutions are carrying out the project with specialists from the Spanish and French police in order to fulfil their objective, which is to fight criminal networks of migrant smugglers by associating the security and defence forces within the framework of the criminal chain.
“In fact, no service, no matter how competent, can fight these threats in isolation in a sustainable and effective way. The fight against such trafficking must mobilise all the services affected by these struggles. “This is the spirit of the POC”, affirmed the European Union Delegation Ambassador in Senegal.