The new EU cooperation programme supports improvements in e-governence and the digital economy in Ukraine
The European Union is financing a new cooperation programme in Ukraine to improve the efficiency and security of public service provision and access for citizens and businesses through digital communication.
The initiative supports the digital reform agenda in Ukraine through actions aimed at promoting key areas of the digital economy and society in line with the norms and practices of the European Union. With the ultimate goal being to boost economic growth, generate more jobs and improve the lives of both the country‘s companies and citizens.
The programme, which has just started, has an expected duration of three and a half years and will be managed by FIIAPP and the Estonian e-Governance Academy (EGA), each body being in charge of separate parts, but with coordinated management.
The main objectives of the programme are aimed at improving: the training of the administration regarding the e-governance policy; communication and participation by civil society; the data protection policy; interoperability and e-government infrastructure; business processes by simplifying electronic public services; and cybersecurity.
In the current initial phase, work is being undertaken to prepare a baseline situation report that includes designing a work plan focused on the main areas and fields of action for the digitalisation of the services offered by the Ukrainian administration and to promote access to them and their use.
Based on the results of the initial report, an inaugural meeting will be prepared in which all the partners and beneficiaries of the programme will be invited to participate in order to establish a broad and detailed dialogue on its specific objectives, in addition to establishing the focal points for each of the institutions involved.