Over recent days, the project conducted a high-level seminar to define a global strategy to combat migrant smuggling and trafficking in Senegal
The Emergency Trust Fund of the European Union finances this Joint Operational Association (POC), a project in the management of which FIIAPP participates, and which has three components: the development of an inter-department and inter-ministry approach to the fight against the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons, operational support to the national division to combat the smuggling of migrants, and the development of regional cooperation.
The main objectives of this project are to gather and promote the joint work of all the actors involved in the fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in Senegal. Among these actors are institutions such as the Ministry of Interior (General Directorate of the National Police), the Armed Forces or the National Unit to Combat Trafficking in Persons.
Through the meeting, the Senegalese-European team was able to exchange knowledge and define a common strategy. In addition, the progress of the programme has been taken into account and roundtable discussions have been organized to find ways towards a solution in the fight against this scourge.
The meeting has also served to establish the direction of the actions aimed at gaining the support of all the actors involved in the Joint Operational Association. The conclusions of the seminar have served as preparation for the first steering committee held this month.