The European Commission believes that "the best project to date in Ukraine" is a civil aviation project on which the FIIAPP participated.
In Kiev, Ukraine, the civil education project managed by Spain and Sweden came to an end. The FIIAPP, together with the Ministry of Public Works and the Swedish Civil Aviation Authority (LFV), contributed to improving safety and the adaptation of the airports, aerodromes and air traffic legislation to European standards.
We have achieved the objectives. Experts from the Spanish Air Safety Agency (AESA), INECOand ISDEFE,together with the Secretary of State for Transport, have given the Ukrainian Infrastructure Ministry the capacities to carry out certifications, audits and inspections at airports. In addition, they gave the Ukrainian experts the necessary training to implement the regulations on noise and to verify their fulfilment, and to train and grant licences to air traffic controllers.
During the 22 months which the project lasted, the Spanish experts created three drafts of Ministerial Orders which will make it possible to certify Ukrainian airports in accordance with the standards of the ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organisation), which will mean safer airports. In addition, they developed the Ukrainian National Plan to reduce emissions, with the approval of the ICAO, which will make it possible to reduce the pollution produced by Ukrainian airports.
Because of all this, the Head of the EU Delegation in Ukraine, Jan Tombinski, described the project managed by the FIIAPP as “the best project of all those undertaken to date in this country”.