FIIAPP is taking part in the Departmental Council on this problem as part of the project to support Bolivian institutions
Bolivia has a Law and a National Plan to combat people trafficking and smuggling. This law is managed nationally by the Plurinational Council, in which FIIAPP takes an active part due to itsfirm commitment to strengthening and consolidating public policies and supporting the public sector as a whole.
The project to support Bolivian institutions in their fight against drug trafficking and related crimes, which the Foundation manages with funding from the European Commission and the AECID, focuses on training the Bolivian institutions that can face these problems. Members of the Civil Guard and National Police Force contribute their experience in the areas of operational criminal investigation, intelligence, control over borders and goods, money and asset laundering and people trafficking and smuggling.
It is against this last crime that FIIAPP is supporting a strategy focusing on effectively applying national laws through departmental procedures. The 9 Departments of Bolivia therefore have an obligation to set up a Departmental Plan, drawn up by Committees of representatives from the Police, Migration, Health, Education, Labour, Taxation, Social Services and civil society.
It is here that the Department of Tarija has requested special assistance in evaluating its 2014-2017 Department Plan and drawing up a new plan for 2018-2021. FIIAPP therefore took part in the meeting of the country’s Departmental Council for the fight against people trafficking and smuggling.
The aim of this assistance was not only to evaluate and draw up a new plan but also to promote greater efficiency and more impact by the departmental services in combatting this problem. This is done by improving coordination between institutions and creating a tracking system to help to redirect these actions.
The changing situation in the Department of Tarija also has an influence. The department borders on Argentina and has a very high incidence of people trafficking and smuggling routes , mainly for labour exploitation but for sexual exploitation as well.