A team made up of FIIAPP and the Honduran, Brazilian, Spanish and French ESCs presented to President Lobo the support given to the Honduran ESC.
The President of the Economic and Social Council of Honduras (ESC), Aline Flores, informed the President of the Republic of Honduras, Porfirio Lobo, about the proposal for a new regulatory framework in Honduras for social agreement enabling dialogue and consensus among union, business and government sectors.
The presentation featured Ignacio Soleto, coordinator of the FIIAPP Technical Unit for Social Dialogue in EUROsociAL, Laurent Sillano, Head of European Union Cooperation in Honduras, and representatives of the ESCs of Spain, France and Brazil. Also present was the Presidential Appointee from Honduras, Maria Antonieta Guillén de Bog, whose support has been instrumental in promoting the role of the ESC of Honduras in social dialogue.
The proposal is the result of broad consensus among the corporate, association and government sectors covered by the ESCs, and has received technical advice from EUROsociALthrough the ESC of Spain.The new regulatory framework will result in a legislative decree for establishment of the ESC and expanded and improved operating regulations to allow greater influence, agility and institutional stability.
President Lobo showed his appreciation for the support from EUROsociAL for the strengthening of social dialogue in Honduras and expressed his readiness to support this initiative and for it to be sent to the National Congress for approval. This encourages a greater culture of consensus and agreement among the political, economic and social actors in Honduras, which allows the construction of joint solutions and generates answers to the problems of social cohesion, reducing conflict and promoting greater participation by civil society in public policy.