Euroclima+ prepares a thematic study on the background and recommendations of long-term climate strategies in 13 Latin American countries
The FIIAPP, through the European cooperation programme Euroclima+ has prepared the thematic study “Background and recommendations for the preparation, updating and maintenance of long-term climate strategies in Latin American countries”.
The publication sets out the main elements that make up long-term climate strategies (LTCS) and salient experiences so that other countries can draw on them when developing their own strategies.
The study has been presented in the LTCS Exchange Space, a community in which 13 Latin American countries participate to exchange experiences related to these strategies.
The publication highlights the increased efforts and commitment of member countries in the community in relation to climate action. It analyses, among other elements, the climate goals set in the countries of the region, 14 of which aim to be carbon neutral by 2050.
Most of the cases reviewed aim to contribute to the global goal of limiting the increase in the planet’s average surface temperature from pre-industrial levels to less than 2°C and to try to limit the increase to a maximum of 1.5°C .
Apart from this, various approaches are set out in terms of economic projections, mechanisms for adapting to climate change and integrating actions for climate empowerment and the just transition, among other topics.
The publication was presented at a session inaugurated by Carles Puigmartí, of the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Partnerships (INTPA), who placed the study in the context of support for the preparation of the LTCS that the programme is carrying out. For her part, Sara Covaleda, FIIAPP technician for Euroclima +, presented the work that is being carried out in the Exchange Space on LTCS.
Apart from this, the representative of the UN Environmental Programme, Sebastián Carranza, analysed the role that LTCS can play in decarbonisation plans and climate policies, explaining the challenges entailed for regulations, plans and international agreements, among other things.
The closing of the event featured a dialogue between speakers and attendees, which allowed doubts to be clarified and other dimensions of LTCS to be brought to the debate, such as joint regional action, the sectoral approach and interaction with the protection of biodiversity, the fight against desertification, sustainable economic production and the multilevel gender component.