Virtual meeting between the European Union and Latin America on climate evolution forecasting tools
The European cooperation programme Euroclimate+ has organised a virtual meeting with Ibero-American meteorological networks entitled: “Regionalised climate scenarios: Ibero-American experiences in the use of tools to interpret information and facilitate the design of adaptation policies and measures” to present and share tools that can support public policies for adaptation to climate change.
The initiative is based on a need detected in the framework of the collaborative work of Ibero-American networks on meteorology, water and climate change, the Ibero-American Network of Climate Change Offices ( RIOCC ), the Ibero-American Conference of Directors of Meteorological and Hydrological Services ( CIMHET ) and the Conference of Ibero-American Water Managers (CODIA ), to have regionalised climate scenarios and visualisation tools for climate scenarios developed with common methodologies.
Coordinated by the FIIAPP, Euroclima+ is driving its development and encouraging its use as part of the “Generation of regionalised climate change scenarios for Central America” action.
Climate scenario viewers make it easy to read and interpret the data provided by climate change projections. These projections show possible future climate evolution scenarios, based on simulations using different greenhouse gas emission scenarios. The tool helps to formulate adaptation strategies in each region by estimating the potential impact of climate change on natural and socio-economic systems.
During the virtual activity, two tools for interpreting climate data were presented, namely theRegionalised Scenarios Viewer for Central America developed as part of the Euroclima+ project in collaboration with the Spanish Meteorological Agency and the Spanish experience in the development of the Climate Change Scenarios Viewer of the AdapteCCa platform under the National Adaptation Plan .
There was also discussion of the good practices necessary to interpret the information, and the challenges and opportunities offered by these tools, methods for applying technical knowledge and promoting useful public policies focused on adaptation to climate change.
Members of the World Meteorological Organization, the Spanish State Meteorological Agency of Spain , the Spanish Climate Change Office , FIIAPP, RIOCC, CIMHET and CODIA participated in the event.
The full content of the webinar is available at
More information about Euroclima+:
EUROCLIMA+ is a regional climate change programme for Latin America funded by the European Union (EU), implemented by five EU Member State agencies and two United Nations agencies.
Its goal is the promotion of environmental sustainability and development resilient to climate change in 18 Latin American countries, with particular attention to the most vulnerable groups and the fulfilment of the commitments made in the Paris Agreement.