The end of the course on drug searches on ships and containers given by experts from the National Police and Civil Guard and coordinated by the SEACOP project
The joint training course on maritime control has been organised by SEACOP (Seaport Cooperation Project), a project managed by FIIAPP and funded by the European Commission – EuropeAid through the Instrument for Stability and Peace.
The training was provided in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) by experts in maritime trafficking from the National Police and the Civil Guard. Both the participants and facilities were selected by the National Drug Control Directorate (NDCD) of the Dominican Republic.
The activities on the course included searching ships and containers and methods used to hide drugs, especially beneath false bottoms. In addition to providing the material and procedures, numerous exercises were carried out to put into practice the different techniques for searching for and detecting drugs in ships and containers.
SEACOP supports the fight against maritime drug smuggling and the associated criminal networks in Western and Southern Africa, as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective is to alleviate the negative impact of illicit drug trafficking on public health, governance and the social economy of the beneficiary countries. To do this, it provides the recipients with the necessary means to strengthen their intelligence and port control capabilities; it also improves or, where appropriate, establishes local maritime information and control systems and reinforces operational delivery and cooperation at the national, regional and transregional levels.