One of the main objectives of the European SEACOP VI programme is to have a network of trainers in the region.
A training course for trainers in ship registration was held in Lima for experts from Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay and the Dominican Republic. Pedagogical aspects were worked on and practical exercises on ship registers were carried out with the support of experts from the Spanish National Police.
The training of SEACOP trainers in the Latin American region, both in intelligence and ship registry, is one of the main objectives of the SEACOP VI project. The aim is to have a network of trainers who can pass on the knowledge acquired to each of their institutions and to other countries, thus promoting the sustainability of the project.
Thus, after having trained trainers in maritime intelligence, the aim is now to create a team of local SEACOP trainers in ship registration. They will be trained in pedagogy and equipped with the necessary tools to adapt to any scenario, whether they are subordinates or hierarchical superiors. They will then be able to apply the SEACOP teaching-registration guide, extended and adapted to their experience, requiring their future trainees to comply with safety measures and an appropriate search methodology.
The course has ended meeting the expected objectives and with very good evaluations from the participants, who have praised the initiative and the synergy achieved by an international, interdisciplinary and heterogeneous group.