"Cooperation and collaboration are not a choice but rather an urgent need"
The I International Police Cooperation Course for Ameripol Unit Employees took place from 4th to 15th March at the National Police School in Avila. Nineteen students from Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru participated in the conferences.
This course is part of the training activities included in the project AMERIPOL-EU which is financed by the European Union and is managed by the FIIAPP. The main objective of the course was to establish the definition, operability and scope of international police cooperation. The National Police is an observer member of AMERIPOL and actively collaborates with the development of its information system.
The closing session featured the participation of the Director General of the Police Force, Ignacio Cosidó, who underlined that “we are facing a series of challenges and threats of a global nature where cooperation and collaboration are not a choice but rather an urgent need”.
AMERIPOL was created in 2007 as a meeting point, logistical action by the police in the Americas in order to measure the response capacity and leadership in the fight against regional crime and get involved in global cooperation.