The provinces of Huila, Cuanza Sul, and Lunda Sul have just laid the first foundation stone for the infrastructures to be built under the framework of the local development project in Angola led by the Social Support Fund (FAS), financed by the European Union, and managed by FIIAPP.
The provinces of Huila, Cuanza Sul and Lunda Sul have already laid the first stone of the infrastructures that will be built under the framework of the local development project in Angola led by the Social Action Fund (FAS), financed by the European Union and managed by FIIAPP.
These works seek to improve the access of families with fewer economic resources to basic infrastructures such as schools or health centres. In Huila, two schools and two residences for teachers will be built, in Cuanza Sul a school with six classrooms, a medical unit and a residence for teachers and nurses; and in Luanda Sul two schools with four classrooms each, a health post and a residence for teachers.
The launch was attended by representatives of the provincial governments, the European Union, FIIAPP and FAS, as well as other beneficiaries of the project.
Local development
The local development project in Angola, funded by the European Commission with almost 30 million euros and managed by FIIAPP, has as its main objective to complement the efforts of the Government in its Local Development Programme (LPD): to reduce territorial asymmetries and social disparities, to promote access to public goods, to promote a diversified local economy aimed at improving the social well-being of rural families in vulnerable situations and to provide quality services to families with fewer resources. FAS acts as an intermediary between the Government and the local development project.