Two European counter-terrorism programmes have exchanged experiences with North African and Middle Eastern countries on cross-border cooperation in terrorism cases
CT JUST and CT INFLOW, two European counter-terrorism projects, organised an activity entitled “Cross Border Cooperation in Terrorism Cases” in Tunis. The workshop was a further link in the EU’s training strategy for judges and prosecutors in the MENA region, which specifically includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan.
The event, designed to address the complex nature of the fight against international terrorism, was attended by EUROJUST, the European Union agency responsible for promoting judicial cooperation between Member States. The key role of EUROJUST in promoting multilateral approaches to the phenomenon of returning terrorists (FTFs) and the importance of mutual trust and inter-state collaboration in this field was highlighted in the speech of its representative.
In addition, the involvement of liaison magistrates – who promote and facilitate judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters – from Spain in Morocco and Algeria in France, proposed by CT JUST, has served to underline the relevance of these mechanisms in alleviating the management of the technical aspects of mutual assistance requests.
The success of this workshop was also crucial to promote the next CT JUST-CT INFLOW activity in Madrid, scheduled for February 2024. This future event, which will focus on central authorities, liaison magistrates and other formal and informal cooperation tools, aims to build on the foundations laid in Tunis and is expected to be a milestone in international judicial cooperation against terrorism. It aims to strengthen the role of Central Authorities in judicial cooperation and to promote awareness and expansion of mechanisms such as liaison magistrates.
This collaboration between CT JUST and CT INFLOW is evidence of the firm commitment of the European Union to unify efforts and strengthen its institutional cooperation action in this crucial area. The joint efforts of both programmes, in collaboration with EUROJUST and other partners, continue to pave the way for more effective and united responses to the challenges of global terrorism.