Two specialists from the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office have travelled to Cairo to work with the Egyptian Patent Office
Within the framework of the project ‘Strengthening the Egyptian Patent Office (EGPO)’, which is funded by the European Union, a mission has been carried out at the EGPO facilities in Cairo involving 2 Spanish experts from the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM).
Component 2 of the project, entitled: “Sustainable cooperation and coordination with rights holders and SMEs established within an institutional approach” focuses on sensitising Egyptian MSMEs, SMEs and entrepreneurs regarding the importance of using the patent system to protect their inventions.
The activity has been undertaken under this component, the objective of which has been to support the EGPO in developing a Strategic Plan to bring intellectual property (IP) more within the reach of Egyptian MSMEs, SMEs and entrepreneurs. During the daily sessions, the IP strategies of some EU Patent Offices, supranational Patent Offices and IP organisations have been analysed and different workshops and practical sessions have been carried out with the active participation of EGPO staff. The purpose has been to establish the main lines of action and draft a document on the IP Strategy, focusing on SMEs. Sensitising MSMEs, SMEs and Egyptian businesses regarding the importance of protecting their inventions through the patent system is essential to increasing their competitiveness and expanding their markets.