Within the framework of the Improvement of Management action of the Public Finance area, which is being developed in Ecuador with the support of EUROsociAL, a second phase of the technical assistance mission on new methodologies for standardisation of fiscal accounts was completed.
This activity is a continuation of the first phase, carried out in July 2014, where a diagnosis was made that allowed the coverage of the Ecuadorian public sector to be analyzed, the different sources of data that can be used for the compilation of fiscal statistics and a series of recommendations to improve and automate the compilation of fiscal statistics.
The work methodology has consisted of training officials in the effective implementation and application of international standards and best practices and in the generation of fiscal statistics and the accounting system of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). On the other hand, the preparation of manuals and guides of good practices and the adjustment of the Ecuadorian public accounts were analyzed, so that the presentation of internationally comparable fiscal statistics is possible.
This activity has had the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ecuador and the National Director of Fiscal Statistics, and, on behalf of the EUROsociAL Programme, Spanish experts from the Institute of Fiscal Studies of Spain (IEF), the Undersecretary of State for Finance and the National Institute of Statistics have travelled to Quito.
The last and third phase, which will be carried out in the coming months, will aim to prepare a document with Ecuadorian Financial Statistics adapted to the IMF manual.
This activity is part of the plan-budget linkage action of the Public Finance area of the EUROsociAL Programme, financed by the European Union, coordinated by the FIIAPP and in which the IEF acts as operational partner.