SOCIEUX conducted an institutional assessment of the Secretariat of State for National Solidarity (SESN) in Djibouti, a small country located in the Horn of Africa.
It is estimated that 42% of the population of Djibouti lives in conditions of extreme poverty. The country must confront both structural food insecurity (just 3% of land is suitable for farming) and rural exodus to peri-urban areas, where the majority of the population lives in precarious conditions.
The assessment gave the SOCIEUXexperts an all-encompassing view of the current capacities of the SESN, and allowed them to transmit the conclusions of the assessment to the government of Djibouti.
In order to strengthen coordination and harmonization between policies and social programmes and improve their efficiency, Djibouti recently adopted a Social Protection Strategy centred on the system of social security networks. For this coordination to be effective at the national level, the SESN has instituted the Permanent Technical Secretariat of the Inter-Sectoral Committee for Social Protection (STP-CI/PS), whose work will consist of coordinating all the initiatives proposed by government institutions, NGOs and benefactors.
In June 2013, the Council of Ministers approved a National Social Protection Strategy centred on the social security systems with the aim of offering all the necessary means to help the beneficiaries escape the inter-generational spiral of poverty.
This strategy focuses on three main groups: households subject to food insecurity, people with temporary or permanent incapacity for work who are also not covered by social services, and people who can work but who lack skills.
The strategy has four key objectives: harmonize assistance programmes and ensure more precise identification of beneficiaries, strengthen coordination of programmes, guarantee monitoring and assessment of social security projects and programmes, and, lastly, implement a strategy for getting people off government assistance.
The Secretariat of National Solidarity (SESN), in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, will be responsible for implementation, monitoring and assessment of these processes.
SOCIEUXwill continue providing technical assistance with the review of the organization chart and job descriptions of the Inter-Sectoral Committee for Social Protection (STP-CI/PS), as well as with preparation of a solid personnel training programme.
The SOCIEUX programme, an initiative of the European Union for social protection in the area of Development Cooperation, is a technical assistance service financed by EuropeAid which aims to support the member countries in the design and management of their social protection programmes.