SOCIEUX, the Social Protection European Union Expertise in Development Cooperation instrument, in which the FIIAPP collaborates, lent its support to developing the capacities of the Social Security Institute of the State of Guanajuato (ISSEG) and other Mexican pension funding institutions through an internal evaluation and training activity held at the institution.
The activity organized by SOCIEUX compared the reforms introduced into pension systems in Mexico at the federal and state level and in European Union Member States, with special emphasis on the White Book Agenda for adequate, secure and sustainable pensions.
The SOCIEUX experts led the participatory meeting, which addressed, among other issues, pension systems, revenue and financing systems and eligibility requirements for retirement pensions. They also examined spending trends, taking into account population ageing and birth rates and their impact on sustainability, on the ability to ensure adequate pensions. Their input was undoubtedly key when it came to evaluating possible improvements in internal management in the ISSEG, and by extension any pension funding institution, in terms of its procedures, efficiency and risk control.
Some 50 public servants attended from the ISSEG, the National Commission for the Retirement Savings System (CONSAR), the State Employees Social Security and Social Services Institute (ISSSTE), the State Employees Social Security and Social Services Institute Pension Fund (PENSIONISSSTE), the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), and other pension funding institutions from the states of Michoacán, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí.
Mexican pension system. ISSEG
In Mexico, the social protection system is the responsibility of both federal authorities and the individual states, through public or decentralized agencies that guarantee access to pensions and general social services. The main pension funding institutions are the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the State Employees Social Security and Social Services Institute (ISSSTE), both federal agencies, in addition to the corresponding state-level social security agencies.
The Social Security Institute of the State of Guanajuato (ISSEG) is a public agency with legal personhood and proprietary assets which manages the public pension system in the State of Guanajuato. The ISSEG uses a pension system based on defined benefits, with a solidarity fund, comprised of employee and employer contributions and payroll taxes, as well as the interest generated by its financial, commercial and investment assets.