The FIIAPP participates in a colloquium on European efforts in development cooperation and disability
Bridging the Gap II , a project in the management of which the FIIAPP participates, organised a seminar to address the role of international cooperation and the inclusion of people with disabilities.
The meeting presented the results and recommendations of B ridging the Gap II and put forward new proposals. In this regard, the colloquium served to explain the review of the EU Disability Strategy .
The director of FIIAPP, Anna Terrón, has had an active presence in the debate and explained the new commitments to incorporate disability in development cooperation.
The colloquium also included institutions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom and the United Nations.
Among its objectives, Bridging the Gap II, a project funded by the European Union, aims to contribute to the integration of disability in international development cooperation. A work with a focus on human rights and the consideration of disability as a cross-cutting issue of utmost importance in all cooperation projects, programmes and initiatives.