• 25 July 2013


    Category : Opinion

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    The value of an International Administration

    Our 1st Forum will place the emphasis on the important role played by Spanish civil servants in strengthening Spain's image abroad.

    In recent days, two events have taken place which are very important for a public foundation like the FIIAPP: the approval of the reform of public administrations and the presentation of our first annual forum, which will emphasise the important role played ...

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  • 19 July 2013


    Category : Interview

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    Society demands faster answers. One example is Brazil

    Bruno Moro, Director of the MDG Trust Fund

    The 2013 Millennium Development Goals Report provides evidence that, despite the fact that various goals have already been reached, there is still much left to accomplish. Our work is not over and these days we find ourselves asking how the altercations in Brazil could affect the constructio...

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  • 12 July 2013


    Category : Opinion

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    Managing borders in Africa

    For many, Cotonou is and will continue to be known as the city where the latest trade agreements were made between the EU and the group of ACP countries in 2000. Nevertheless, for the FIIAPP, and particularly the MME Project (Migration, Mobility and Employment), it is another brick in the construction of the Africa-EU Dialogue.

    On July 4-5, the meeting “Promotion of cross-border mobility of people and goods” took place in the economic capital of Benin. What better city than Cotonou to discuss the free circulation of people and goods – a clear nod to Euro-African relations – which a...

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  • 03 July 2013


    Category : Opinion

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    Fiscal education and the puzzle of social cohesion in Latin America

    Latin America´s development policies are going through crucial times. In a context of deterioration of the world economy, the region continues along the road of growth, employment and the reduction of poverty. However, there are major challenges. The crisis in the euro zone and the...

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