• 05 May 2014


    Category : Interview

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    “Tunisia has learned a way of working and interacting with disabled persons”

    Interview with Virginia Carcedo, Secretary-General of the FSC Inserta Association of the ONCE Foundation

    At the entrance to the classroom, next to the door frame, there is a photo of Rajá Aeargui posted on the wall. That way the children with disabilities who can't read will know that this is their special education teacher's classroom. An apparently obvious and simple measure that had not been applie...

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  • 16 April 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    EUROsociAL brings the State closer to its most vulnerable citizens

    Desde el 2013 la Fundación FIIAPP a través del Programa EUROsociAL, está impulsando la creación de “Casas de los Derechos” en Latinoamérica. Hasta ahora se han construido “Casas de los Derechos”en Brasil, Honduras y Costa Rica para acercar la ley y el Estado al ciudadano desde distintos ámbitos. Ciudad de Dios en Río de Janeiro (Brasil), Tegucigalpa (Honduras) y Upala (Costa Rica) han sido los escenarios elegidos para implantar estos centros cuyo objetivo es la promoción de los derechos humanos.Since 2013 the FIIAPP, through the EUROsociAL programme, has been promoting the creation of “Houses of Rights” in Latin America. To date, “Houses of Rights” have been built in Brazil, Honduras and Costa Rica to bring the law and the State closer to citizens from different spheres. Ciudad de Dios in Río de Janeiro (Brazil), Tegucigalpa (Honduras) and Upala (Costa Rica) were the sites chosen for implementing these centres designed to promote human rights.

    EUROsociAL, supported by one of its partners, the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), promoted the creation of assistance centres that address the need to bring the State closer to groups at risk for exclusion to enable them to overcome the physical and bureaucratic b...

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  • 31 March 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    OCATT: 30 years coordinating and exporting the transplant model

    El director de la Organización Catalana de Trasplantes (OCATT), Jaume Tort i Bardolet, analiza la historia del sistema de trasplantes español y cómo su éxito ha llevado a España a liderar un proyecto de fortalecimiento del sistema de trasplantes moldavo coordinado por la FIIAPP.The Director of the Catalan Transplant Organization (OCATT), Jaume Tort i Bardolet, analyzes the history of the Spanish transplant system and how its success resulted in Spain leading a FIIAPP-coordinated project to strengthen the Moldovan transplant system.

    2014 is a special year in the world of organ transplants in Spain. This year we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Catalan Transplant Organization (OCATT), a body under the umbrella of the Department of Health which in 1984 started organ exchange, both among hospitals in Sp...

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  • 28 March 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    EUROsociAL: European-Latin American Dialogue on Public Policies for Social Cohesion

    This week was the “Support policies, connect institutions. Euro-Latin American dialogue on public policies for social cohesion”conference in Brussels, organized by the programme for social cohesion in Latin America, led by the FIIAPP, EUROsociAL, and the European Commission. The EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, explained what this programme means in the context of bi-regional cooperation between Europe and Latin America.

    EUROsociAL has become the flagship programme of the European Union in Latin America for social cohesion. Under the motto "Supporting policies, connecting institutions" it brings together decision-makers and high-level public servants from European and Latin American public admini...

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