• 27 July 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    Private-Public Partnerships in Development Cooperation: A new path to be discovered

    In this article, Sara Mercader Perpiñá, from the FIIAPP's Development and Environment Department, and Alexandra Gil Táboas, from the Security and Justice Department, analyze the challenges of Public-Private Partnerships for Development in response to the different perspectives debated in a symposium on this issue held in Madrid.

    On 15th July in Madrid, the Presentation – Symposium “Boosting Public-Private Partnerships for Development (PPPDs)”, organized by the CIDEAL Foundation and the non-governmental organization CONEMUND took place. Professionals from the business world and the public sector came together to exc...

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  • 14 July 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    Nineteen lives

    Honduras has eight million inhabitants. Ninety-five percent of them feel threatened by the criminality affecting the country. There, according to the Violence Observatory at the National Autonomous University of Honduras, 19 people die each day as a result of violence and crime. After years without success in reducing this figure, the country has plunged into a new effort with the “Security Sector Support Programme” (PASS)of the European Union (EU), in which the FIIAPP participates.

    Ten years ago, the homicide rate in Honduras was 30 per one hundred thousand inhabitants. According to official statistics, it is currently 86. This represents an increase of over 200%. Driven in large part by the uncertain future faced by young people in a count...

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  • 04 July 2014


    Category : Interview

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    “When it comes to CRBN risks, the first word is prevention”

    Interview with Joaquín Baumela, Director of the IBATECH engineering firm and expert in three cooperation projects in the area of CBRN that the FIIAPP is implementing at the international level.

    Joaquín Baumela reviews the main chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats, the formulas for addressing them and the collaboration Spain offers to other countries to prepare for an event of this type.

    You are working with the FIIAPP on three international coop...

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  • 30 June 2014


    Category : Interview

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    “Spain doesn

    Interview with David Izquierdo, diplomat and CBRN Technical Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC).

    All United Nations member countries are required by UN Resolution 1540 to reduce chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats by adopting effective legislative measures that prohibit and prevent the proliferation or improper use of elements that can be used to cause incidents of ...

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