• 06 August 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    Social reality enters the classroom

    Educación Fiscal en El Salvador, por Borja Díaz Rivillas FIIAPP/EUROsociALTax Education in El Salvador, by Borja Díaz Rivillas, FIIAPP / EUROsociAL

    We descend from San Salvador to Puerto de la Libertad, 32 kilometres from the capital. The village is an example of the Central American country's efforts to create quality community spaces and public services. Its wharf has a pleasant boardwalk, an amphitheatre for cultural even...

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  • 30 July 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    The Spanish Police and international cooperation

    Alicia Malo, Comisaria del área de Cooperación Internacional del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía, hace repaso en este artículo a la larga andadura del CNP en esta materia así como de los distintos proyectos que esta institución ha realizado conjuntamente con la FIIAPP.Alicia Malo, Commissioner of the International Cooperation area of the National Police Force, reviews the long track record of the CNP in this area, as well as the different projects this institution has undertaken with the FIIAPP.

    The National Police has accumulated considerable experience in the area of international cooperation which got underway with its formal adhesion in 1928 to INTERPOL. Years later, Spain became part of the then-named European Economic Community, and of the Schengen space in 1991, w...

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  • 30 July 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    “Infectious diseases do not respect borders”

    Entrevista a la Directora de Formación del proyecto mediPIET, Mariví Martínez.Interview with the Training Director for the mediPIET project, Mariví Martínez.

    Fighting biological threats from infectious diseases has become a  priority objective in the Mediterranean region. Here, for example, there are diseases like polio which are intensifying at a time when they were thought to be in the eradication phase. To ac...

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  • 28 July 2014


    Category : Interview

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    “Security actually has increased in Latin America”

    Interview with Javier Albaladejo, Head of the International Cooperation Division of the National Police Force (CNP).

    He began his career with the FIIAPP in the 90s, when the Foundationcreated police cooperation twinning projects with Bulgaria and Slovakia. He states that this institution is a “reference partner” for the European Commission (EC) and that it helps Spain be awarded cooperation projects. In thi...

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