• 24 October 2014


    Category : Interview

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    ”We’re proud of our regional policy for its capacity to have a positive impact”

    EUROsociAL estuvo presente en la 12ª Semana Europea de las Regiones y las Ciudades organizada por el Comité de las Regiones y la Dirección General de Política Regional de la Comisión Europea. En los conocidos como Open Days, EUROsociAL, a través de la FIIAPP, organizó un seminario sobre política regional latinoamericana en el que participó Jolita Butkeviciene, Directora para América Latina y el Caribe de la Dirección General de Desarrollo y Cooperación – EuropeAid, quien nos habló del presente y futuro de la cooperación euro-latinoamericana en clave regional*.EUROsociAL was present at the 12th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities organized by the Committee on Regions and the Directorate-General of Regional Policy of the European Commission. In what is known as Open Days, EUROsociAL, through the FIIAPP, organized a seminar on regional Latin American policy which included the participation of Jolita Butkeviciene, Director for the European Commission's Directorate-General of Development and Cooperation for Latin America and the Caribbean – EuropeAid, who spoke to us about the present and future of Euro-Latin American cooperation in regional terms.*

    The agenda for change that European cooperation is promoting is focused on good governance, inclusive and sustainable growth, and human development. Is territorial cohesion a priority in this agenda?

    In fact these are the main aspects of our new approach to cooperation fo...

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  • 14 October 2014


    Category : Interview

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    ”It’s impossible to talk about development and democracy without including women”

    Entrevista a Nava San Miguel, experta en género del convenio FIIAPP-Secretaría General de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (SGCID).Interview with Nava San Miguel, gender expert for the FIIAPP-Secretariat General of International Development Cooperation (SGCID)agreement.

    Next year will reveal which of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDO) have been achieved in 15 years of work. This initiative will have a second part: the

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  • 09 October 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    Responses to Ebola

    ¿Puedo contraer la enfermedad del Ébola de una persona infectada que no tenga fiebre o alguno de los síntomas? A ésta y a otras dudas sobre el virus y la enfermedad del Ébola da respuesta el epidemiólogo Chesco Nogareda y coordinador científico del Programa MediPIET para la formación de epidemiólogos en la región mediterránea que lidera la FIIAPP junto al Centro Nacional de Epidemiología del Instituto de Salud Carlos III(CNE-ISCIII).Can I catch Ebola from an infected person who does not have a fever or show any symptoms? Chesco Nogareda epidemiologist and scientific coordinator of the MediPIET Programmefor the training of epidemiologists in the Mediterranean region, led by the FIIAPP along with the National Epidemiology Centre of the Carlos III Institute(CNE-ISCIII), answers these and other questions about the Ebola virus and Ebola virus disease.

    The current outbreak of Ebola is the largest in history and the first to occur in West African countries. It is affecting several countries in this region (Liberia, Guinea Conakry and Sierra Leone). Because of the way the virus is spread, it does not represent a significant risk for countries distan...

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  • 06 October 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    Quiet on the set… Filming in Niger

    Diez jóvenes nigerinos han sido formados en producción audiovisual de anuncios para televisión y videoclips con un taller del programa cultural ACERCA de la AECID y que ha contado con el apoyo de la FIIAPP.Ten young Nigeriens were trained in audio-visual production of television advertisements and video-clips in a workshop organized by the ACERCA cultural programme of the AECID and supported by the FIIAPP.

    A TV ad for an airline and a video clip for a Nigerien singer. These were just two of the projects brought to life by a group of ten Nigeriens after a month of training in audio-visual production under the umbrella of the

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