• 25 November 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    The fight against gender violence in EUROsociAL

    La lucha contra la violencia de género en Latinoamérica ha sido uno de los leitmotiv del Programa EUROsociAL en la contribución al incremento de la cohesión social en la región por dos motivos principalmente: la existencia de experiencias muy significativas en Europa en la materia, como la Ley Integral de Medidas de Protección aprobada en España ahora hace 10 años y por el progresivo posicionamiento del tema como una de las prioridades de política pública en las agendas de los países latinoamericanos.The fight against gender violence in Latin America has been one of the leitmotifs of the EUROsociAL Programmein its contribution to increasing social cohesion in the region for two main reasons: the existence of very significant experiences in Europe in this area, such as the now 10-year old Comprehensive Law on Protection Measures ratified in Spain and the progressive positioning of the issue as a public policy priority on the agendas of Latin American countries.

    With good reason, the equality of men and women and protecting women from violence occupies a leading role in the European Union-Latin America Dialogue. The efforts of public authorities and civil society on both sides of the Atlantic continue to be focus...

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  • 21 November 2014


    Category : Interview

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    ”The Rabat Process opens up a new era in understanding the phenomenon of migration”

    On 27th November in Rome, a high-level conference will be held between African and European government ministers within the framework of the "Rabat Process", a dialogue on migration and international development that has the support of the FIIAPP for its implementation. Lorena Andrés, the coordinator for this project in the FIIAPP, talks to us about the past, present and future of this dialogue.

    In 2006, a total of 57 European and African countries started the “Rabat Process”to address the challenges of migration and also the development opportunities it generates. Why did th...

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  • 07 November 2014


    Category : Interview

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    ”All countries have a strong interest in protecting their populations and environment”

    The FIIAPP is currently managing seven projects financed by the European Commission to address Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats ranging from polluting discharges from ships to the spread of diseases through hospital waste. One of these projects is "Management of hazardous chemical and biological waste in the African Atlantic Façade region and Tunisia". The project manager, Andrew Proudlove, tells what this consists of and how during the first phase, they found themselves in the midst of the Ebola crisis in the study countries.

    What is the purpose of the CBRN 35 project?

    The purpose of the project is to improve (or initiate) best practices in the management of hazardous chemical and biological wastes in the countries of the African Atlantic façade regi...

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  • 31 October 2014


    Category : Opinion

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    History of Cooperation in Senegal: Hann Bay

    La FIIAPP gestiona un proyecto de cooperación de la UE “Manejo de desechos químicos y biológicos peligrosos en la región de la fachada atlántica africana y Túnez” cuyo objetivo es concienciar sobre el peligro de este tipo de residuos en la población.The FIIAPP is managing an EU cooperation project entitled “Management of hazardous chemical and biological waste in the African Atlantic Façade region and Tunisia”, the objective of which is to raise awareness about the danger these types of wastes represent for the population.

    This European project isworking in countries like Senegal. Senegal has a bay, Hann Bay, which is an example of how environmental pollution can endanger public health. A water treatment plant needs to be installed to clean up all the pollution and filter the ...

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