• 13 January 2015


    Category : Inf first person

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    In the first person… After regaining freedom

    Disfrutar de su hija y dar vida a su propio negocio. Eso es lo que hará Yesenia, de 32 años, cuando salga de la prisión para mujeres más grande de Chile. Participa en un proyecto de reinserción socio-laboral de reclusos coordinado por el Programa de la Unión Europea para la cohesión social en América Latina, EUROsociAL. Nos cuenta su historia. Enjoy her daughter and breathe life into her own business. That's what Yesenia, 32 years of age, will do when she gets out of the largest women's prison in Chile. She is participating in a social and labour-market reintegration project coordinated by EUROsociAL, the European Union programme for social cohesion in Latin America. She tells us her story.

    “I'm in charge of a workshop with 35 women workers, and I review their work. It's an internal control before the product reaches the street. It's not easy. Around here, you learn to assume responsibilities, adapt to schedules and supervise people older tha...

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  • 12 January 2015


    Category : Interview

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    ”The FIIAPP creates opportunities for foreign outreach by public administrations”

    El director de la FIIAPP, Pedro Flores, hace balance del 2014 y desvela los objetivos y retos de la Fundación para este año. The Director of the FIIAP, Pedro Flores, sums up 2014 and explains the objectives and challenges of the Foundation for this year.

    The year 2014 is coming to an end. What headline should we use to ring out the old year?

    The year 2014 has been the one with the highest number of awarded contracts and the largest budgetary execution volume in the history of the Foundation. With new...

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  • 08 January 2015


    Category : Interview

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    Development worker in Guinea and officer of the National Police

    Interview with the Inspector of the National Police Force, Fernando Santos, who spent 14 months in Guinea coordinating a FIIAPP security project

    Fernando touched down in Guinea in late 2013 to coordinate a pilot project financed by the European Union and managed by the FIIAPP to restore trust in the National Police on the part of the population of this African countr...

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  • 29 December 2014


    Category : Interview

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    Common sense in the service of a better migration policy

    Por Maxence Defontaine, compañero de la FIIAPP dentro del proyecto de migración 'El Proceso de Rabat'. By Maxence Defontaine, colleague of the FIIAPP within the migration project 'The Rabat Process'. Article previously published in the 3500 Millones blog(El País).

    Lucid and balanced, two terms that should be considered essential when it comes to developing adequate migration policies. Lucid, because it's necessary to observe the reality of migration as it is: a phenomenon originally initiated by the person but which currently, as a result of unsustainable ...

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