• 03 July 2015


    Category : Interview

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    Cooperation: “All changes start with something simple”

    Student Kelly Ramos tells of her experience in cooperation advising fellow Bolivians on tax issues.

    Student Kelly Ramos tells of her experience in cooperation advising fellow Bolivians on tax issues.

    Sometimes, life sends you opportunities and it’s up to you as the individual to decide whether to seize them and take on the responsibility or not. One such opportunity that came my way was the NAF*. Who’d have thought that I could be part of something new? Perh...

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  • 23 June 2015


    Category : Interview

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    Colombia and EUROsociAL, together in the fight against corruption

    Colombia cuenta con una sólida política anticorrupción y el programa EUROsociAL de la Unión Europea liderado por la FIIAPP le apoya para conseguir sus objetivosColombia has a solid anti-corruption policy, and the European Union's EUROsociAL programme, led by the FIIAPP, is supporting it in achieving its objectives

    El Presidente de la República de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, firma el decreto que reglamenta parcialmente la Ley de Transparencia (enero 2014).

    Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos signs the decree partially regulating the country's transparency law (January 2014). In 2014, Colombia passed the Law on Transparency and Access to Public Information for the purpose of reducing corruption levels in the coun...

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  • 18 June 2015


    Category : Opinion

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    The cooperation and development fair

    EUROsociAL, the European Commission programme for social cohesion in Latin America, participated in European Development Days in Brussels.

    EUROsociAL in European Development Days

    The year 2015 is key for cooperation. Declared the European Year of Development by the European Union, its mid-point coincided with its flagship event, European Development Days, which brought together people from five continents in Brussels with a significant Afri...

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  • 11 June 2015


    Category : Opinion

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    Asylum and international protection

    On 15th and 16th June, a meeting is being held in Rabat on migration with these two key issues on the table: asylum and international protection.

    Meeting of the "Rabat Process" project

    In recent months, the urgent need to manage migratory flows, an issue of vital importance for millions of people, has come to the forefront. It's evident that, due to the continual crises of a diverse nature, both on the African continent and in the Middle East, ...

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