• 15 July 2016


    Category : Opinion

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    The American Gran Chaco

    Marta García Moreno es la Coordinadora del proyecto Chaco Ra’anga en Paraguay, y hace un repaso de los objetivos, actividades y países visitados durante el proyecto.

    Viajando con la comunidad enlhet de Campo Largo (Paraguay)

    Image of the Chaco

    The Gran Chaco is a territory people imagine to be remote, isolated and impenetrable. A land of jaguars, dust, gigantic cacti, lagoons and alligators, it extends over Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and a small slice of Brazil. Numerous indigenous peopl...

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  • 30 June 2016


    Category : Interview

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    ‘Peer-to-peer treatment is very important for ensuring that they continue to trust us’

    El Director de Relaciones Internacionales del Colegio de Registradores nos habla de las oportunidades de colaboración con la FIIAPP y del potencial de la cooperación con América Latina

    Fernando Pedro Méndez González, Director de Relaciones Internacionales del Colegio de Registradores de España

    Within the framework of a monographic training course held at FIIAPP's offices in Madrid, Fernando Pedro Méndez González, Director of International Relations, answers our questions about the function of Spain's Association of Land Registrars...

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  • 24 June 2016


    Category : Opinion

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    Training for fighting drug trafficking on the front lines

    Gerard Muñoz, is the coordinator of the project to fight drug trafficking in Peru. In this post, he talks about his experience in a training course on basic investigative techniques held in the Peruvian jungle.

    It's still several hours before sun-up and the jeep being driven by an officer in the anti-narcotics directorate is weaving around the sinuous, hairpin curves of a goat trail that will take us from Ayacucho to a government base in the middle of the jungle, near the valley of the Apurímac, Ene and M...

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  • 30 May 2016


    Category : Interview

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    ‘The results in the defence of economic, social, and cultural rights have been significant’

    We interview Mikel Mancisidor, a member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) and a FIIAPP expert in Morocco.

    Mikel Mancisidor

    Mikel Mancisidor is a member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR). Re-elected for the 2017-2020 term, he is working with 17 other independent experts to monitor States' application of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, one o...

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