• 17 March 2016


    Category : Interview

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    “Competition makes it possible for us to choose”

    The National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) ensures that we consumers and users have a competitive market so that we can choose what we want to consume. In addition, it is working so that countries like Tunisia can also enjoy these benefits. Juan Gradolph, International Director of the CNMC talks to us about it.

    Juan Gradolph, International Director of the CNMC

    What are the areas of the National Markets and Competition Commission?   Since 2013, the year the Commission was created by combining or uniting various earlier bodies, we have had a series of competencies, the first being to apply regulations to defend compe...

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  • 11 March 2016


    Category : Reportage

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    Four skills for working in cooperation

    Working in cooperation is an increasingly sought-after career path. Proactiveness, conflict resolution, flexibility, and empathy are some of the qualities needed.

    FIIAPP offices in Madrid

    For a good part of the population, the cooperation sector in Spain is totally unknown, and even more so the area of public cooperation, which is the focus of the work of the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Po...

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  • 07 March 2016


    Category : Reportage

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    The Spanish Ombudsman’s Office, a model for Turkey

    Spain has had an Ombudsman's Office for over 30 years and, thanks a Twinning project financed by the European Commission and managed by FIIAPP, the institution is currently sharing its know-how with the Turkish people.

    Spain has had an Ombudsman's Office for over 30 years and, thanks a Twinning project financed by the European Commission and managed by FIIAPP, the institution is currently sharing its know-how with the Turkish people.

    Nearly 80 million people live in Turkey and up to just over two years ago, the Turkish population did not have a place to go where they felt protected and could file complaints or be represented in cases of basic human rights violations. Things have changed, because citizens have...

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  • 07 March 2016


    Category : Interview

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    “The Spanish organ donation and transplant system has been shown to be the best in the world”

    We interview Jaume Tort. The Director of the Catalan Transplant Organisation (OCATT) is working with the French Biomedicine Agency on two projects, both managed by FIIAPP and funded by the European Union, aimed at strengthening the donation and transplant system in Croatia and Moldova.

    According to the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, Spain has been the world leader in organ and tissue transplants for 24 years. In 2015, there were 13 transplants per day ...

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