• 30 May 2016


    Category : Interview

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    ‘The results in the defence of economic, social, and cultural rights have been significant’

    We interview Mikel Mancisidor, a member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) and a FIIAPP expert in Morocco.

    Mikel Mancisidor

    Mikel Mancisidor is a member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR). Re-elected for the 2017-2020 term, he is working with 17 other independent experts to monitor States' application of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, one o...

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  • 20 May 2016


    Category : Opinion

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    “When it comes to Ethiopia, feelings can be more intense”

    Juan José Charro, a FIIAPP expert in the APIA programme (Support for Inclusive Public Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa), just back from Ethiopia, tells about his experience.

    Juan José Charro meeting with the experts from the NGO Management Sciences for Health.

    When I landed in Addis Ababa, I had a feeling that many aid workers no doubt experience: 'I'm coming to contribute with my work, but I will end up learning much more than I give.' This initial impression was borne out, and that's one of the things that makes

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  • 03 May 2016


    Category : Opinion

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    “Gradually weaving together the threads of joint work and cooperation in Morocco”

    Since June 2011, I have had the immense professional and personal good fortune to be able to work on the development and consolidation of one of the greatest political, social, and institutional breakthroughs in the world since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989: the so-called Arab Spring.

    Diego Blázquez in a work meeting.

    This year, 2016, marks a momentous five years since of the eruption of this social and political movement which, starting in the impoverished city of Sidi Bouzid in Tunisia, spread throughout the Arab-Islamic world. Many of its consequences continue to reverberate today. In the cont...

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  • 14 April 2016


    Category : Interview

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    “All the decisions taken by the European Commission must go before a committee”

    Have you ever heard of commitology? The European Commission has a series of instruments for managing its external action. In addition, all of its decisions must go before a committee before being implemented. The European Union's Assistant Deputy for External Relations and Trade, Eduardo Romero, gives us some of the details about part of the European Commission's management and tells us what commitology is.

    Eduardo Romero talks about commitology in a monograph organised by FIIAPP.

    What is commitology? Commitology is the European Union's way of implementing its rules. The processes for approving European rules are very complex, as the institutions with legislative capacity are, essentially, the Council and the European Parliament. As a result, when rules...

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