• 28 October 2016


    Category : Opinion

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    Experience exchange and specialised training on international cooperation

    FIIAPP's Information and Special Programmes Director, Isabel Ramos Talma, reflects on the benefits of exchanging experiences with experts from different regions.

    Ponentes del XVI Curso Anual de Registradores

    We have several long months of hard work behind us. Numerous meetings, agreements and negotiations for achieving our objective: to bring Latin American experts to our Spanish institutions to share, through our experts, our know-how, experience and knowledge.   But,

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  • 21 October 2016


    Category : Opinion

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    Are you an expert? You should communicate

    El próximo lunes, 24 de octubre celebramos el Día Mundial de Información sobre el Desarrollo. Ángel González Suárez, Técnico de la FIIAPP (Comunicación- Cooperación Española), nos cuenta lo que supone la comunicación y cómo podemos comunicar.

    Angel González en su mesa de trabajo

    A few weeks ago, I read an interview with anthropologist Arturo Escobar. In it he expresses his ideas on many subjects, including the role of experts and social media. He showed himself to be critical of the social tra...

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  • 14 October 2016


    Category : Interview

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    “The very essence of law is the defence and promotion of human rights”

    Victoria Ortega Benito has been the Chair of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers since January 2016. She is also the first woman to serve in this role.

    On the general website of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers, Victoria refers to the work of Spanish lawyers in the following terms: “We are becoming better and better professionals, although many of us have had t...

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  • 30 September 2016


    Category : Interview

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    “Where there’s a need, there’s a foundation”

    Tomorrow, 1st October, we celebrate the European Day of Foundations. Javier Nadal has chaired the Spanish Association of Foundations for five years (AEF). Below he explains the importance of foundations to society and the work of the AEF.

    How is the chairmanship of the Spanish Association of Foundations determined?

    Any foundation can present its candidacy for the chairmanship of the Association before the General Assembly for a four-year team. In my case, I presented mine i...

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