• 28 July 2017


    Category : Interview

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    Inmaculada Aguado, collaborating with FIIAPP for over 10 years

    We talk to Inmaculada Aguado about her work in the Ministry of Justice supporting the international cooperation projects managed by FIIAPP

    Inmaculada Aguado at the kick-off event for EUROMED Justice IV

    Inmaculada Aguado is the Head of the Support Unit for the Director General of International Cooperation in Spain's

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  • 21 July 2017


    Category : Reportage

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    EU-ACT: fighting the “heroin routes”

    The project has a budget of €12 million and will cover 30 countries in four years to combat the destructive and massive heroin business

    The heroin routes that originate in Asia (Source: UNODC)

    For decades Afghanistan has been positioning itself as the primary international exporter of heroin, a deadly drug associated with the ...

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  • 30 June 2017


    Category : Opinion

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    EDD17, a new way of understanding development

    We are entering a new policy era, not only for European Union institutions but also for the joint action of the Member States

    “It's a paradigm change, something historic”, stressed Jolita Butckeviciene, Programme Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of EuropeAid. “It's not just investing in development, it's investing in all of us”, asserted Neven Mimica, the European Commi...

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  • 26 June 2017


    Category : Reportage

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    Getting to know the FIIAPP: Management Systems and Procedures Programme

    A tool is being created for efficiency, transparency and work/life balance, Agustín Fernández told us

    We met Agustín Fernández who is responsible for the management systems and procedures project of the FIIAPP to tell us what he’s working on in his department.   As he explained, "the FIIAPP is a large institution with a high level of international cooperation project ...

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