• 21 July 2023


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    11-digit standards, policies and values

    The FIIAPP is ready to support Global Gateway's renewed commitment to the Euro-Latin American space and the new approach to Latin America

    45 000 000 000 (45 billion euros) for Latin America. This was announced on Tuesday in Brussels by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, at the EU-CELAC summit. The meeting comes after eight years as one of the commitments of the

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  • 30 June 2023


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    Lutte contre la traite et le trafic de migrants en Mauritanie

    La Mauritanie est un point de transit crucial sur la route migratoire du sud vers l'Europe. Le projet européen POC Mauritanie vise à assurer une lutte efficace contre les réseaux criminels impliqués dans le trafic de migrants et la traite des êtres humains

    Formation aux techniques d'enquête dans le cadre du projet POC Mauritanie

    La République islamique de Mauritanie (RIM), située sur la côte atlantique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, est un pays d'origine et de transit pour les migrations irrégulières vers l'Europe. Bordée ...

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  • 19 May 2023


    Category : Opinion

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    A fresh breath of air

    Alfonso Ramírez, Head of the Community Prevention Service, Diputación de Huelva (Spain), reflects on the relationship between drugs and vulnerabilities after his presentation at the International Seminar "Drugs, Vulnerabilities and Territory" that the EU programme COPOLAD, led by FIIAPP, held in Fortaleza, Brazil

    The International Seminar “Drugs, vulnerabilities and urban territories” held in Fortaleza (Braz...

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  • 08 February 2023


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    “Most of the time a patent is the success of a business”

    La Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas define patente como: un título que reconoce el derecho de explotar en exclusiva una invención. Esto impide a otros su fabricación, venta o utilización sin consentimiento del titular

    Today we talk to Pedro Cartagena, industrial property expert at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) and coordinator of the European cooperation project in Egypt that has been worki...

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