• 24 January 2019


    Category : Reportage

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    Migración, una cuestión humana

    Due to the current situation, it is necessary to solve the main obstacles that impede the integration of migrants into host societies. Through "Living Without Discrimination", FIIAPP is working on the social integration of migrants

    Jemaa el-Fnaa square in Marrakesh

    Many of the people who leave their country do so voluntarily, in search of better prospects. However, many others are forced to flee to escape conflicts or terrorism in certain countries. According to the

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  • 17 January 2019


    Category : Opinion

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    El blanqueo de capitales, un problema relevante en Bolivia

    Javier Navarro, a Spanish National Police inspector and expert in the European project to support Bolivian institutions in the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes, explains how this project deals with the problem of money laundering

    One of the money laundering project's activities

    Money laundering is generally one of the most significant problems for states at the social, economic and political levels. Drug trafficking, the funding of terrorism and corruption are its most prominent predicate offences. &nbs...

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  • 10 January 2019


    Category : Interview

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    “La Fiscalía investiga el narcotráfico desde la especialidad y desde la experiencia”

    Ignacio Miguel de Lucas Martín, fiscal de la Fiscalía especial Antidroga de la Audiencia Nacional y colaborador del proyecto EU-ACT, nos cuenta cómo se investiga el narcotráfico, ahondando en la relevancia que tiene la cooperación internacional en esta materia.

    Ignacio Miguel de Lucas with the General State Public Prosecutor, María José Segarra

    How does the Spanish Prosecutor's Office investigate drug trafficking? 

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  • 28 December 2018


    Category : Reportage

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    La igualdad de las personas con discapacidad, un largo camino por recorrer

    There is still a long way to go to include persons with disabilities in all of our daily lives. This is why FIIAPP is working on projects such as Bridging The Gap to make this path ever shorter

    Moment at one of the Bridging The Gap events in Paraguay

    "Any restriction or absence in the ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being." This is how the World Health Organization (WHO) defines disability.  Definition published in 1980 in its Internation...

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