• 21 February 2019


    Category : Interview

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    FIIAPP Expatriates: Eva María Picos

     "FIIAPP looks after the expatriate, not only in the strict sense of the working conditions, but in the support we are given and in the feeling of closeness experienced"

    Eva María Picos, coordinator of the Capacity Building project undertaken by the Macedonian Postal Service, tells us how she has gone about adapting to the country, what her daily routine is like and what it is like working as an FIIAPP expatriate.

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  • 14 February 2019


    Category : Opinion

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    “The new approach promoted by the SDGs consists of analysing problems from a broader perspective”

    Miguel Ángel Lombardo, EVALÚA project coordinator, points out that with the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals and their importance in society, there is a need to change international agendas

    In recent times there has been a change in international development agendas, and also in the public policies of different countries...

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  • 07 February 2019


    Category : Interview

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    If the media play their role, citizens will be able to force our leaders to be accountable

    Shamima Muslim, ARAP project specialist, reflects in this interview on the role of the media when they raise issues of corruption, particularly in the case of Ghana

    Shamima Muslim, ARAP project specialist, reflects in this interview on the role of the media when they raise issues of corruption, particularly in the case of Ghana

    As a media worker and specialist on the ARAP project (Ghana's Accountability, Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Programme), funded by the

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  • 31 January 2019


    Category : Opinion

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    “Nigeria es uno de los países origen de trata de seres humanos y tráfico de personas más importante del mundo”

    Rafael Ríos, head of the project "A-TIPSOM: fighting against human trafficking and irregular migration in Nigeria", highlights the current situation for human trafficking and people smuggling and how FIIAPP is working to end this new form of 21st century slavery

    Rafael Ríos, head of the A-TIPSOM project

    Human trafficking and smuggling, according to different reports, ranks third in the world's most lucrative businesses, after trafficking in drugs and weapons. This business is global and therefore the only way to ad...

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