• 25 April 2019


    Category : Reportage

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    Education as a tool for change

    Education is undoubtedly paramount for the development of society. Mindful as FIIAPP is of this fact, it strives for this tool for change to be developed in a number of the Foundation's projects

    Education is undoubtedly paramount for the development of society. Mindful as FIIAPP is of this fact, it strives for this tool for change to be developed in a number of the Foundation's projects

    According to data from the European Statistics Office, Eurostat, in 2017, Spain continued to be the country in the

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  • 11 April 2019


    Category : Opinion

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    “The EU-ACT project is developed in five regions that cover what has been called the Heroin Route”

    José Manuel Colodrás is a Chief Inspector of Police and Project Coordinator in Ukraine



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  • 04 April 2019


    Category : Interview

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    “Access to information has a positive impact on everyone, including vulnerable groups”

    We interviewed Pansy Tlakula, the High Commissioner in South Africa for the right of access to information, during the International Conference of Commissioners on Access to Information, in which EUROsociAL+ also participated.

    Pansy Tlakula

    How important is the right of access to public information for human rights and democracy?

      Access to information is the key to enjoying other rights. You cannot enjoy social and economic rights without the right of access to information; and, mor...

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  • 28 March 2019


    Category : Reportage

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    8 de marzo: en busca de la igualdad

    International Women’s Day has become one of the most strongly supported international days of the year. At FIIAPP, we are aware of the importance of gender inclusion in our projects and we are committed to an equality plan within the Foundation

    The Government Delegate for Gender Violence, Pilar Llop Cuenca; the Director of OBERAXE, Karoline Fernández and the Head of Communication with the El PacCto project, María Jesús Martín at the round table held to mark International Women's Day at FIIAPP's headquarters

    Currently, around 7.55 billion people inhabit the planet. According to United Nations data, 49.5% of these are women, which translates into 3.71 billion.   There are many obstacle...

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